Believe in yourself and your dreams

Believe in yourself and your God given gifts.


There is a parable in the bible about a boss who leaves his workers in charge of his farm. He gives them all jobs to do and when he returns from his vacation he asks how each worker had invested his time.

He is very pleased with the workers who worked hard, believed in themselves and invested their money, gifts and talents into wise investments. They were proudly able to show an end product of “increase” to their boss. But the one worker who was afraid of his master and hid his money, gifts and talents was not in the boss’s good books at all. He sacked the useless servant and told him to get away from him.

You can read this story in the Bible Matthew 25.14-30.

My personal interpretation of this scripture is as follows:

It is wise and shows integrity and faithfulness when we work and make use of our special and unique talents. No one else has quite the same abilities and talents as we have. I believe what we add to the world because of our uniqueness makes this planet a better place. Let me repeat myself. Not one other human is quite as gifted and talented in the way that another is. No two individuals are alike, that difference is the essence of creativity and the art that is inside our hearts and souls.

We add the factor of growth and completion to our lives and the lives of others.


My photography this week is shades of grey and blue. I experiment with my photos adding and subtracting, and bringing to completion a visual that I am pleased with.

If you are an artist creating takes experimentation.  Experimentation can mean sucesses and failures. We learn from both but at the end of all things, a completed product is indeed the highlight of our quests.

The parable of the talents indicates to me that both the journey and the end product are paramount to  happiness in our lives. Fear will drive us to under achieve and hold us back in all areas of life. But the power to overcome fear and move forward is in trusting our boss and trusting that He has good intentions for our lives, but that we are to use wisely what He has given us.


We are designed for passion, creativity…… and to rest at days end.


Ethereal wheat field and cloudy skies
Sandhills and lone white cloud
Wheat field and grey blue sky, grey tones
Cloudy skies and a light blue ocean
White sand dunes and lonely cloud


Moon and star and white sand dunes

The moon and the stars are yours, Formby Bay sand dunes.

Umbrella and sunshine at the beach

The umbrella of protection.

White sand dunes Cactus beach South Australia

Be still and know. Cactus Beach sand dunes

Dhilba Garrunda Innes National Park

The beauty of the world is unspeakable. Chinamans Hat Island, Yorke Peninsula

Lightening over the wheat field

Light blue sky and an old shipwreck in the Port Adelaide swamp regions.

White sun umbrellas in a line
White yacht sails by behind a wave
The suns rays over the Kaikoura mountain range, the soul of eternity

The soul of eternity. (Kaikoura mountain range.)

My soul rests when I am in the right place.

I have believed and so have moved forwards…..

Having completed a task gives us great satisfaction, and having fulfilled a dream gives us a sense of..

“I can do this again.”

“I have achieved something once why not try twice.”